Revision as of 20:02, 10 August 2016 by Enymind (Talk | contribs) (New race)

Installing J2Chrono software to your computer

Screenshot of service. Click Download to load the installation media to your hard drive.

To download software go to and log in. Username and password will be provided with the license order confirmation email.


Download Windows installation media file (.exe) from

If you don't know how to install new software to Windows check:

Ubuntu GNU/Linux

Download Debian installation media file (.deb) from

If you don't know how to install new software to Ubuntu check:

Launching J2Chrono software

Screenshot of starting screen. After loading all components software starts.

After the installation, the installation program has created icons for programs on your computer desktop. Start the software on your computer by clicking the shortcut on the desktop.

During the first start program, it may take longer, up to 60 seconds. The program creates a necessary first start-up settings, and databases on the hard disk of the computer.

Operating system time

If the time of the operating system is automatically synchronization via the Internet, you should synchronize it manually as soon as the machine is started before starting J2Chrono program.

Another option is to disable automatic synchronization. An accurate time of the day does not matter if you use just one computer to make the results.

If you have two or more computers those all must use exactly same time.

During the first launch

Screenshot of succesful registration.

After the software have been launched for the first time you will have to do some configuration before usage.

Initially, each software must be registered in order to be able to communicate with each other and other network services in the future. The credentials are same as those used at the download page.

You can access registration from top menu of each software.

Please note that during the registration:

  • Computer's time and date must be correct and in time
  • Name of the registered instance must have an unique name, like "computer 1"
  • During the registration the computer must be connected to the Internet


Before making the results the first time you need to create the following:

  • At least one point scheme
    • Point schemes can be created using top menu: Competitions -> Point Schemes
    • The formula is <number><space><number><space><number> and so on.
    • Example: 25 22 20 18 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
  • At least one competition type
    • Competition types can be created using top menu: Competitions -> Competition types
    • Enter a name, result scheme, point scheme, and clock type.
    • Use result scheme according to type of competition; if only one timing line use "Track" and for multiple timing lines use "Route"
    • Use clock type according to type of competition; when mass start use "Timer" and any other type of start or when multiple timing lines use "Realtime"
  • At least one class
    • Classes can be created using top menu: Competitors -> Classes


ChronoFly program will not be used in track type sports where there is only one timing line. In track type sports you can operate everything and create results using only J2Chrono.

Route type sports you need start-finish pairs and other type of timing lines which are managed with ChronoFly program. ChronoFly sends individual times to J2Chrono where they are processed further to create results.

First event results

Timing of the first competition a challenging situation. We recommend not to leave the studying of J2chrono software to the last minute when it is time to create real results for real event.

Please do studying beforehand and arrange some pilot events first to get yourselves familiar with the software.


Photo of wireless network router.

In track type sports you often do not have to worry about data communications because all timing functions are operated in one computer with exception of transmitting the results after the competition to the club website or other service that requires Internet access. For Internet access you need additional equipment, such as 3G dongle and subscription from your Internet operator.

In route type sports data communication must be taken into account the, eg. transferring times from one timing line to another. All of these timing functions are often located at different computers and times needs to be moved with ease from machine to machine.

If the computers are located in close proximity of each other (less than 200 meters radius) you can use local LAN solutions such as ethernet cabling or wireless local area network (WLAN). If the distance is longer it is necessary to transfer the data through public network (mobile Internet, 3G, etc ..). The use of public networks require additional equipment such as 3G dongle and a subscription from the Internet operator.

Creating fully working large scale WiFi network to the event site is a job of a specially skilled person.

Some advices from Microsoft when using Windows:

ChronoFly network settings. The address is the IP of computer operating J2Chrono software.

In Local Area Network computers are connected to each other using IP addresses. The important thing is to figure out IP address of a computer operating J2Chrono software which is why you should use only fixed addressing. Other programs (like ChronoFly) will send the times to this address for further processing. Computer's IP address can be set to other programs, such as ChronoFly, using application settings.

In case of Public networks please use either a VPN solution or a live sync function through which information can be transferred through the Internet safely between timekeeping stations (ChronoFly) and J2Chrono. In this case IP addresses does not really matter because mobile Internet rarely has public IP addresses.

Creating a race

The programs must be set to act by way of you event.

For each event you must create a new competition as every race is different at least what comes to participants.

New race

After the initial settings have been made you can create a new race. Use top menu: Races -> Database

Enter needed information:

  • Race name
  • Competition Type
  • Live event (only in cases when it is desired to use the live service which is a separately ordered service)

One of the most crucial setting is "Bring competitors automatically". This where you select whether you want participants to be selected manually before the start of the race or bring participants automatically during the race.

Other options are not mandatory.

Rounds and timelines

Some rounds.

after the addition of the competition program will create competition and the single batch in the "First round" the user must either delete or rename the own competitions in accordance with this oletuserä default is created.. also one of the top-level item "Transparent round" under which the items collected in the competition. The user can also designate the default omanlaisekseen top-level item. The main level item can not be deleted.

Batches you can add, edit and delete an existing item, press the mouse "on one button.

Track Species

Track arts is essential that each item is set to run as her own program. Items may include: Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Qualifying 1 Qualifying 2, Round 1, 2 Round

batch data most relevant information is the name of the lot and its time. Time is not on the duration of the batch, but its estimated start time of the competition schedule. You can also select the ranking of the defining lisäastuksia, as does the maximum approved number of revolutions, and whether the first track round a whole lap or not.

Route Species

Route arts instead of the items piled on the whole structure of competition that is all chronograph stations. The structure may be, for example: ST 1 Start, ST 1 Finish, ST 2 Start, ST 2 Finish

difference rink species, determining the route of the species timekeeping stations is particularly important to set each station's own identification number. Identification Numbers often sufficient consecutive number-.>

  • MK 1 output 1
  • MK 1 Goal -> 2
  • MK 2 Output -> 3
  • MK 2 Finish -> 4

The identification number according to a certain timing position times can settle down in their proper places the result of the calculation. For example, "MK 2 Out" event ID number 3 are set at both ends, ie the calculation of results, as well as to the timing station.

In addition, the importance of selecting the outputs of paints and type correctly. This selected item "Drive Type" option. Nitrogen is often either start or finish. If you choose does not have any type, they must first be added to the top menu of the program: Competitions -> Drive Types


Adding a competitor.

Compete with rivals in the competition added to the program from the top menu: competitors -> database

competitors may be added either individually or import them pre-completed spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc) or the like. Competitors imported into a spreadsheet is imported .csv format. Add a file transfer creation: File Transfer ChronoFly

If necessary, can also add more categories if, during the initial setup they have not created enough. This can be done from the top menu: Competitors -> Categories

compulsory data on a competitor are: first name, last name, category, number, transponder

Starting the race


  • The program has been the competition all competitors finished. Each competitor has its own transponder number set.
  • The competition was added to the necessary items / timekeeping stations with the correct settings.
  • Check the functionality of peripherals (printer, nettitikku) on your computer. Functionality of the Internet connection is a good test of even the race itself on the spot, as the functionality of the mobile Internet will vary a lot locally[[File:.

Just before the start of the race

Screenshot track type items. The selection is Round 1.
  • Track arts check that the correct item is selected. The selected item is shown in bold text in relation to other items. If you are given on each batch, the time of day according to the schedule of races, they will appear in the program etenemisjärjestyksessä. This facilitates the replacement of the selected batch to the next competition progresses.
    • The selected item you can change the mouse by double-clicking. However, do not replace the item among the chronograph, but only between batches.
  • The route arts check that the data transmission works flawlessly between the timekeeping stations and the result of that calculation.
  • If you have transponderiluja or decoder, check that it is turned on and that the program is ignored its existence, and the connection is established.

at the start of the batch be sure to start the stopwatch.

During the race

When the first batch of the competition has started and the stopwatch started, a switch-term competitive actions.

Monitoring the race

during the quintessence of the timer is to monitor, that everything works flawlessly. Each competitor must get a reading in one way or the other the timing line crossing. Can be read either automatically or manually transponder reader administration. Hand on the time accuracy is worse than an automated reader coming period of time.

It is a good practice routine hand-on time for increasing the program. This makes it easier for sure if the occasion arisesNorth].].

Reporting of results

Adding, editing and removing print layouts.

Reporting and printing the results, successful reporting window. The reporting window can be opened from the top menu screens necessary.

Printing can each corner of the window, opened from the top menu Print button, which opens a new Print dialog box.

First time you use the program you must first create at least one print on the ground, so that the result is successful.

Live service

Screenshot of a live setting J2Chrono program

Live service purpose is to enable the publication of the results realliajassa competition progresses. Live service can also use the results of the final publication and archiving at the end of the race. Examples of services you can visit the

In order to get a live J2Chrono use the program, the program has settings to set a live address and password. Live address is given in the form of The terminal can also be a .com or .net

Adding a race

Competitionmay increase the Race Live Database window, first select the desired competition, and then press the "Add live". Elimination of competition in the service done by pressing the "Delete Live" or by going to the Support service and log in with their own username and password.

After lots of competition are created, they must be synchronized individually Live. This can be done J2Chrono the main window, select the top menu "Live> Sync items live." After this, the results go to self-service the competition progresses.

The results can be added to Live afterwards. Press the mouse on top of the desired batch of another button and select "Sync Results live" this is not possible.

If Live's incorrect results, can they clean out the press on top of the desired batch of the mouse the second button and select "Sync Results live".

Using live service for data transmission between stations

Screenshot of a live setting ChronoFly program

is also possible to use the transfer service between the ages live timing stations and the result of that calculation. In this case, J2Chrono program settings must be enabled-time download via the live service. The regulations for this ruksiboksi a private setting. Place the tick in this Regulation and restart J2Chrono again.

In addition, the status of programs (ChronoFly) must be ever live broadcast service. This successful program settings by setting the TCP / IP protocol "chronocloud" and placing a live passwordonce.;

will be sent to the service times J2Chrono the program only Once downloaded times do not come again. If you are driving is needed again, they can download the Support service to log on with their own codesJ2Chrono]].

After the race

Screenshot of reporting the results of the program

Making final results

final results can be created J2Chrono software Reporting window. From the top menu under the Reporting window Stopwatch The windows are available in the appropriate screens processing and printing of results, lap times and other necessary matters of competition.

Printing paper the results window, you will place the Print button. Results can be printed instead of the transfer for further processing in a spreadsheet program. Results can also be saved in HTML format for publishing on the websiteprogram.

Timing Stations


See ChronoFly Käyttöohje (in Finnish)

Data transfer between stations: Asemat ja tuloslaskenta (in Finnish)


Readers and decoders

Read reader equipment manufacturer's own user manual to figure out how they work.

General troubleshooting of the reader: Reader debug

General information about auxiliary equipment see: Digital IO (in Finnish)