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==Result service in general==
Using an automated timekeeping application and equipment is only a small part of providing successful event result service experience to your event's participants and spectators at event site as well as to chair viewers at home.
Here is a check list of different important steps you should take care of and acquire more information when planning an event with automated result service system:
# Educating officials and supporting staff how to organize things before the event
# Figuring out the best way of acquiring and handling event and participant related information before the actual event
# Servicing, storing, and carrying result service equipment from one place to another
# Constructing the event site with result service equipment
# Using your result service equipment and application
# Dealing with different ways of providing real-time result data during and after the event
This material provides information to above steps 5. and 6. Also all other steps must be taken care of.
==Installing J2Chrono software to your computer==
==Installing J2Chrono software to your computer==
[[File:Support_download.png|200px|thumb|Screenshot of support.enymind.fi service. Click Download to load the installation media to your hard drive.]]
[[File:Support_download.png|200px|thumb|Screenshot of support.enymind.fi service. Click Download to load the installation media to your hard drive.]]
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J2Chrono program the first time you need to create the following:
Before making the results the first time you need to create the following:
* At least one point scheme
* At least one point scheme
** Point schemes can be created using top menu: Competitions -> Point Schemes
** Point schemes can be created using top menu: Competitions -> Point Schemes
** The formula is <number><space><number><space><number> and so on.
** The formula is <number><space><number><space><number> and so on.
** Example: 25 22 20 18 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
** Example: 25 22 20 18 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
* At least one competition type
* At least one competition type
** Competition types can be created using top menu: Competitions -> Competition types
** Competition types can be created using top menu: Competitions -> Competition types
** Enter a name, result scheme, point scheme, and clock type.
** Enter a name, result scheme, point scheme, and clock type.
** Use result scheme according to type of competition; if only one timing line use "Track" and for multiple timing lines use "Route"
** Use result scheme according to type of competition; if only one timeline use "Track" and for multiple timelines use "Route"
** Use clock type according to type of competition; when mass start use "Timer" and any other type of start or when multiple timing lines use "Realtime"
** Use clock type according to type of competition; when mass start use "Timer" and any other type of start or when multiple timelines use "Realtime"
* At least one class
* At least one class
** Classes can be created using top menu: Competitors -> Classes
** Classes can be created using top menu: Competitors -> Classes
ChronoFly ohjelmaa ei käytetä '''ratalajeissa'''. Ratalajeissa kaikki kilpailun toiminnot pystyy hoitamaan J2Chrono ohjelmalla ja yhdellä samalla tietokoneella.
ChronoFly program will not be used in '''track type sports''' where there is only one timeline. In track type sports you can operate everything and create results using only J2Chrono.
'''Reittilajeissa''' lähtö-maali parit, eli ajanottoasemat, hoidetaan ChronoFly ohjelmalla. ChronoFly välittää asemilta luetut ajat tuloslaskentaan, jossa ne prosessoidaan edelleen kilpailun tuloksiksi.
'''Route type sports''' you need start-finish pairs and other type of timelines which are managed with ChronoFly program. ChronoFly sends individual times to J2Chrono where they are processed further to create results.
ChronoFly ohjelmaan ei tarvitse tehdä kaikille kilpailuille yhteisiä alkuasetuksia, sillä jokainen kilpailu poikkeaa niin paljon edellisestä, että ohjelman asettelu on aloitettava aina alusta.
==First event results==
Timing of the first competition a challenging situation. We recommend '''not''' to leave the studying of J2chrono software to the last minute when it is time to create real results for real event.
==Ensimmäinen kilpailu==
<u>Please do studying beforehand and arrange some pilot events first to get yourselves familiar with the software.</u>
Ensimmäisen kilpailun ajanotto on haastava tilanne. Emme suosittele jättämään ohjelmien ensimmäistä käyttökertaa ensimmäisen oikean kilpailun yhteyteen.
[[File:Access_point.jpg|200px|thumb|Photo of wireless network router.]]
<u>Oikea tapa on järjestää yksi tai useampi harjoituskilpailu, jotta ohjelmistojen käyttö ja ominaisuudet tulevat tutuksi.</u>
In '''track type sports''' you often do not have to worry about data communications because all timing functions are operated in one computer with exception of transmitting the results after the competition to the club website or other service that requires Internet access. For Internet access you need additional equipment, such as 3G dongle and subscription from your Internet operator.
[[File:Access_point.jpg|200px|thumb|Valokuva langattomasta reitittimestä.]]
'''Ratalajeissa''' ei usein tarvitse huolehtia tiedonsiirrosta, sillä kaikki ajanoton toiminnot ovat yhdellä tietokoneella. Poikkeuksena tietysti tulosten edelleen toimittaminen kilpailun jälkeen kilpailujen Internetsivustolle tai muuhun palveluun, jonka käyttöön tarvitaan Internetyhteys, johon tarvitset lisälaitteita, kuten mokkulan ja sille liittymän operaattorilta.
In '''route type sports''' data communication must be taken into account the, eg. transferring times from one timeline to another. All of these timing functions are often located at different computers and times needs to be moved with ease from machine to machine.
'''Reittilajeissa''' joudutaan ottamaan huomioon tiedonsiirto, eli aikojen siirtäminen kilpailun lähdöistä ja maaleista tuloslaskentaan. Kaikki nämä ajanoton toiminnot sijaitsevat usein eri tietokoneilla, jolloin aikojen tulee siirtyä ongelmitta koneelta toiselle.
If the computers are located in close proximity of each other (less than 200 meters radius) you can use '''local LAN solutions''' such as ethernet cabling or wireless local area network (WLAN). If the distance is longer it is necessary to transfer the data through '''public network''' (mobile Internet, 3G, etc ..). The use of public networks require additional equipment such as 3G dongle and a subscription from the Internet operator.
Jos tietokoneet sijaitsevat lähietäisyydellä toisistaan (alle 200 metrin säteellä) voidaan käyttää '''lähiverkkoratkaisua''' kuten kaapelointi tai langaton lähiverkko (WLAN). Jos etäisyys on pidempi, joudutaan tieto siirtämään '''julkisia verkkoja''' (mobiilinetti, 3G, yms..) hyödyntäen. Julkisten verkkojen käyttöön tarvitset lisälaitteita, kuten mokkulan ja sille liittymän operaattorilta.
<u>Creating fully working large scale WiFi network to the event site is a job of a specially skilled person.</u>
<u>Kookkaan tietoverkon rakentaminen kilpailupaikalle vaatii osaamista ja sen suunnittelu on syytä jättää aiheen tuntevalle henkilölle.</u>
Some advices from Microsoft when using Windows:
* https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17137/windows-setting-up-wireless-network
Itseopiskeluun langattomista verkoista:
[[File:Chronofly_tcpip.png|200px|thumb|ChronoFly network settings. The address is the IP of computer operating J2Chrono software.]]
* https://info.funet.fi/wiki/display/avoin/BCP+WLAN-verkon+suunnittelu+ja+rakentaminen
In '''Local Area Network''' computers are connected to each other using IP addresses. The important thing is to figure out IP address of a computer operating J2Chrono software which is why you should use only fixed addressing. Other programs (like ChronoFly) will send the times to this address for further processing. Computer's IP address can be set to other programs, such as ChronoFly, using application settings.
Itseopiskeluun Windows/Linux -tietokoneen verkkoasetuksista:
In case of '''Public networks''' please use either a VPN solution or a live sync function through which information can be transferred through the Internet safely between timekeeping stations (ChronoFly) and J2Chrono. In this case IP addresses does not really matter because mobile Internet rarely has public IP addresses.
* http://windows.microsoft.com/fi-fi/windows/add-device-computer-to-network
* http://linux.fi/wiki/Verkkoliitynn%C3%A4t
[[File:Chronofly_tcpip.png|200px|thumb|Asemaohjelman (ChronoFly) ohjelman verkkoasetukset. Osoite on tässä tapauksessa tuloslaskennan (J2Chrono) osoite lähiverkossa.]]
===Preparing the software===
'''Lähiverkossa''' ohjelmat liitetään toisiinsa tietokoneiden ip-osoitteilla. Olennaisinta tässä on J2Chrono ohjelman tietokoneen osoite, joka on syytä olla kiinteä osoite. Muut ohjelmat keskustelevat tuloslaskentaan tällä osoitteella. J2Chrono tietokoneen osoite asetetaan muihin ohjelmiin, kuten ChronoFly, ohjelman asetusten avulla.
The programs must be set to act by way of you event.
'''Julkisten verkkojen''' tapauksessa on käytettävä joko VPN ratkaisua tai livetulospalvelun lisätoimintoa, jonka kautta tietoa voi siirtää Internetin läpi turvallisesti ajanottoasemien ja tuloslaskennan välillä. Tässä tapauksessa ip-osoitteilla ei ole niin väliä, sillä mobiili-netit saavat harvoin julkisia ip-osoitteita. Olennaisinta on asettaa ohjelmiin livepalvelun osoite, joka toimitetaan tilauksen mukana.
<u>For each event you must create a new competition as every race is different at least what comes to participants.</u>
===Kilpailun luominen ohjelmiin===
====Create new race====
Ohjelmat täytyy asettaa toimimaan kilpailun vaatimalla tavalla. Kilpailun luontia varten on J2Chrono ohjelmassa oma toiminto.
After the initial settings have been made you can create a new race. Use top menu: Races -> Database
<u>Jokaista kilpailua varten on luotava oma uusi kilpailu, sillä jokainen kilpailu poikkeaa edellisestä vähintään kilpailun osanottajien osalta.</u>
Enter needed information:
* Race name
* Competition Type
* Live event (only in cases when it is desired to use the live service which is a separately ordered service)
====Uusi kilpailu====
One of the most crucial setting is "Bring competitors automatically". This where you select whether you want participants to be selected manually before the start of the race or bring participants automatically during the race.
Kun alkuasetukset ovat tehty voidaan luoda uusi kilpailu. Uuden kilpailun voi luoda ylävalikosta: Kilpailut -> Tietokanta
Avautuvasta ikkunasta valitaan: Lisää uusi ja syötetään kilpailun tiedot
Other options are not mandatory.
* Kilpailun nimi
* Kilpailutyyppi
* Live kohde (vain niissä tapauksissa, jolloin halutaan käyttää livepalvelua, erillinen tilattava ohjelma)
Yksi olennainen asetus on "Tuo kilpailijat erään automaattisesti. Tällä valitaan halutaanko kilpailuun osallistuvat kilpailijat valita käsin ennen kilpailun alkamista, vai tuoko ohjelma ne automaattisesti kilpailun edetessä.
====Rounds and timelines====
[[File:Rounds.png|200px|thumb|Round settings.]]
After adding of the race program will create one round called "First round". The user must either delete or rename it according the event. Also one top-level item "Parent round" is created. The top level item can not be deleted.
Muut valinnat eivät ole pakollisia, mutta tarvittaessa voidaan valita sijoitusperusteita ja kilpailun lisätietoja tekstimuodossa.
You can add, edit, and delete an existing round by press the mouse 2nd button over the tree.
====Kilpailun erät tai ajanottoasemat====
'''Track type sports'''
[[File:Rounds.png|200px|thumb|Kuvakaappaus erän lisäämisestä.]]
Kilpailun lisäämisen jälkeen ohjelma luo kilpailun ja sille yhden erän nimeltä "First round". Käyttäjän tulee joko poistaa tämä oletuserä tai nimetä se uudelleen oman kilpailunsa mukaiseksi. Oletuksena luodaan myös yksi päätason erä "Parent round" jonka alle kilpailun erät kerätään. Käyttäjä voi myös nimetä tämän oletus päätason erän omanlaisekseen. Päätason erää ei voi poistaa.
Eriä pääset lisäämään, muokkaamaan ja poistamaan painamalla olemassa olevaa erää hiiren "toisella napilla".
In track sports it is essential that each round is it's own race. Examples: Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Qualifying 1, Qualifying 2, Round 1, Round 2, etc.
The most relevant information is the name of the round and it's time. Time is not the duration of the round, but it is estimated start time of the round in race schedule. You can also select some settings which affect rankings like the maximum approved number of laps, and whether the first track would be a complete lap or not.
Ratalajeissa olennaista on, että jokainen ajettava erä on omanaan ohjelmassa asetettuna. Eriä voivat olla esimerkiksi: Harjoitus 1, Harjoitus 2, Aika-ajo 1, Aika-ajo 2, Kilpailuerä 1, Kilpailuerä 2
'''Route type sports'''
Erän tiedoissa olennaisimmat tiedot ovat erän nimi ja sen aika. Aika ei ole erän kesto vaan sen arvioitu aloitusaika kilpailun aikataulussa. Lisäksi voidaan valita sijoitusta määrittäviä lisäastuksia, kuten suurin hyväksytty kierrosmäärä ja onko ensimmäinen radan kierros kokonainen kierros vai ei.
Rounds must include a whole structure of the race route. For example: ST 1 Start, ST 1 Finish, ST 2 Start, ST 2 Finish
Determining the sequence number of each time station (timeline) is important. Sequence number must be unique within the race. Example:
* ST 1 Start -> 1
* ST 1 Finish -> 2
* ST 2 Start -> 3
* ST 2 Finish -> 4
Reittilajeissa erien sijaan kasataan koko kilpailun rakenne eli kaikki '''ajanottoasemat'''. Rakenne voi olla esimerkiksi: MK 1 Lähtö, MK 1 Maali, MK 2 Lähtö, MK 2 Maali
Also make sure that round type is set correctly. You can add and modify round types from top menu: Races -> Round types
Erona ratalajeihin, reittilajien ajanottoasemia määritettäessä on erityisen tärkeää asettaa jokaiselle asemalle oma tunnistenumero. Tunnistenumeroksi riittää usein juokseva numero.
* MK 1 Lähtö --> 1
[[File:Competitor.png|200px|thumb|Adding a competitor.]]
* MK 1 Maali --> 2
Add all the participants from top menu: Competitors -> Database
* MK 2 Lähtö --> 3
* MK 2 Maali --> 4
Tämän tunnistenumeron mukaan tietyn ajanottoaseman ajat osaavat asettua oikeille paikoilleen tuloslaskennassa. Esimerkiksi "MK 2 Lähtö" tapauksessa tunnistenumero 3 on asetettu molempiin päihin, eli tuloslaskentaan sekä kyseiselle ajanottoasemalle.
Competitors may be added either individually or import them pre-filled spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc) etc. Use .csv format when importing.
Lisäksi tärkeää on valita lähdöt ja maalit tyypiltään oikein. Tämä valitaan erän "Aseman tyyppi" valinnalla. Typpi on usein joko lähtö tai maali. Jos valittavissa ei ole yhtään tyyppiä, on ne ensin lisättävä ohjelman ylävalikosta: Kilpailut -> Asematyypit
If necessary you can also add more classes from the top menu: Competitors -> Classes
Compulsory information of a competitor: first name, last name, class, number, transponder
[[File:Competitor.png|200px|thumb|Kuvakaappaus kilpailijan lisäämisestä.]]
Kilpailussa kilpailevat kilpailijat lisätään ohjelmaan ylävalikosta: Kilpailijat -> Tietokanta
Kilpailijoita voi lisätä joko yksitellen tai tuoda ne valmiiksi täytetystä laskentataulukosta (Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc) tai vastaavasta. Laskentataulukosta tuodut kilpailijat on tuotava .csv muodossa. Lisää siirtotiedostojen luonnista: [[ChronoFly Siirtotiedosto]]
==Starting the race==
* All competitors are added. Each competitor has its own transponder number set.
* The race has all necessary rounds / timelines with the correct settings.
* Check the functionality of peripherals (printer, 3G dongle) of your computer. Internet connection should only be tested at the event site as the reliability of mobile Internet will vary a lot between different locations.
Tarvittaessa voidaan myös lisätä lisää luokkia, jos alkuasetusten aikana niitä ei luotu tarpeeksi. Tämä onnistuu ylävalikosta: Kilpailijat -> Luokat
===Just before the start of the race===
[[File:Round_tree.png|200px|thumb|Screenshot track type items. The selection is Round 1.]]
* In '''Track sports''' check that the correct round is selected. The selected round is shown as bold text in relation to other rounds. If you gave the time according to the schedule of race rounds will also appear in order.
** The selected item you can change the mouse by double-clicking. However, do not replace the item among the chronograph, but only between batches.
** At the start of each round be sure to start the stopwatch.
Pakollisia tietoja kilpailijalle ovat: etunimi, sukunimi, luokka, numero, transponderi
* In '''Route sports''' check that the data transmission works flawlessly between ChronoFly timekeeping stations and the J2Chrono.
* If you have a reader or decoder check that it is turned on and that the program has noticed its existence and the connection is established.
==Kilpailun aloitus==
==During the race==
When the first round has started and the stopwatch is also started you can move steps bellow.
* Ohjelmaan on tuotu kaikki kilpailun kilpailijat valmiiksi. Jokaisella kilpailijalla on oma transponderi-numero asetettuna.
* Kilpailuun on lisätty tarvittavat erät/ajanottoasemat oikeilla asetuksilla.
* Tarkista oheislaitteiden (tulostin, nettitikku) toimivuus tietokoneessa. Internetyhteyden toimivuus on hyvä testata vielä itse kilpailupaikalla, sillä mobiilinetin toimivuus vaihtelee paljon paikallisesti.
===Juuri ennen kilpailun alkua===
===Monitoring the race===
[[File:Round_tree.png|200px|thumb|Kuvakaappaus ratalajin eristä. Valittuna on Kilpailuerä 1.]]
The most crucial thing during the timekeeping is to monitor that everything works flawlessly. <u>Each competitor must get a time in one way or the other</u> when one passes timeline. The time can either be automatic from a reader/decoder or manually entered. Manually entered time accuracy is always worse when compared to automatic.
* '''Ratalajeissa''' tarkista, että valittuna on oikea erä. Valittu erä on lihavoidulla tekstillä muihin eriin nähden. Jos olet antanut jokaiselle erälle kilpailun aikataulun mukaisen kellonajan, ne näkyvät ohjelmassa etenemisjärjestyksessä. Tämä helpottaa valitun erän vaihtamista seuraavaan kilpailun edetessä.
Always practice how you can add a manual time to time station (ChronoFly) software. Hint: F1 or Ctrl.
** Valittua erää voit vaihtaa hiirellä tuplaklikkaamalla. Älä kuitenkaan vaihda erää kesken ajanoton, vaan vasta erien välissä.
* '''Reittilajeissa''' tarkista, että tiedonsiirto toimii moitteetta ajanottoasemien ja tuloslaskennan välillä.
* Jos käytössäsi on transponderiluja tai -dekooderi, tarkista että se on kytketty päälle ja että ohjelma on huomioinut sen olemassaolon ja yhteys on muodostunut.
Erän alkaessa muista käynnistää ajanotto.
===Reporting of results===
[[File:Tulostuspohja.png|200px|thumb|Adding, editing and removing print layouts.]]
==Kilpailun aikana==
Reporting and printing the results can be done with Reporting window which can be opened from left menu of J2Chrono.
Kun kilpailun ensimmäinen erä on alkanut ja ajanotto käynnistetty, voidaan siirtyä kilpailun aikaisiin toimiin.
===Tilanteen seuraaminen===
At every reporting window there is Print button which opens a new Print dialog box.
Olennaisinta ajanoton aikana on seurata, että kaikki toimii moitteetta. <u>Jokaisen kilpailijan pitää saada lukema tavalla tai toisella</u> ajanottolinjan ylityksestä. Lukema saadaan joko automaattisesti transponderilukijalta tai käsin annettuna. Käsin annetun ajan tarkkuus on huonompi, kuin lukijalta tulevan automaattisen ajan.
On hyvä harjoitella rutiini käsin annetun ajan lisäämiselle ohjelmaan. Tämä helpottaa varmasti tilanteen tullen.
==Live service==
[[File:Live_setting.png|200px|thumb|Screenshot of live settings at J2Chrono.]]
The purpose of Live service is to enable the publication of the results in real time while the race runs. Live service can also be used as publishing and archiving results at the end of the race. See the example of Live service at: http://chrono.live
===Tulosten raportointi===
In order to get the Live working the you need to set desired live address and password to J2Chrono. Live addresses are provided with the form of clubname.live.enymind.com with the domain part of .fi .com or .net
[[File:Tulostuspohja.png|200px|thumb|Tulostuspohjan lisääminen, muokkaus ja poisto.]]
Tulosten raportointi ja tulostaminen onnistuu Raportointi -ikkunasta. Raportointi -ikkunan ylävalikosta saa avattua tarvittavat näytöt.
===Adding a race===
Races can be added to and removed from Live using http://support.enymind.fi
Tulostaminen onnistuu kunkin ylävalikosta avatun ikkunan yläkulman Tulosta -painikkeesta, josta avautuu uusi Tulostus -ikkuna.
Results are synchronized automatically to Live service. Only rounds need to be added manually by selecting from J2Chrono's top menu: Live -> Add rounds to live
Ohjelman ensimmäisellä käyttökerralla sinun on ensin luotava vähintään yksi tulostuspohja, jotta tulostaminen onnistuu.
Also results can be added to Live afterwards by pressing the mouse 2nd on top of the desired round and selecting "Sync results to live".
==Live -palvelu==
===Using live service for data transmission between stations===
[[File:Live_setting.png|200px|thumb|Kuvakaappaus liven asetuksista J2Chrono ohjelmassa.]]
[[File:Live_asema.png|200px|thumb|Screenshot of Live settings at ChronoFly.]]
Livepalvelun tarkoitus on mahdollistaa tulosten julkaisu realliajassa kilpailun edetessä. Livepalvelu voi käyttää myös lopputulosten julkaisuun ja arkistointiin kilpailun päätyttyä. Esimerkkipalvelua voit käydä katsomassa http://chrono.live
It is possible to use Live to transfer data between timing stations and J2Chrono. In this case at J2Chrono settings you must enable "Fetch times from live server".
Jotta liven saa käyttöön J2Chrono ohjelmassa, on ohjelman asetuksiin asetettava liven osoite ja salasana. Liven osoite annetaan muodossa omatunnus.live.enymind.com Pääte voi olla myös .fi tai .net
In addition ChronoFly must also be set to send times to Live service. Set TCP/IP protocol to "chronocloud", add live address, and live password.
===Kilpailun lisääminen===
Timing data is also backed up to Live server and can be downloaded from http://support.enymind.fi
Kilpailun voi lisätä Live -palveluun Kilpailutietokanta -ikkunasta ensin valitsemalla halutun kilpailun ja sitten painamalla "Lisää liveen". Kilpailun poistaminen palvelusta onnistuu painamalla "Poista livestä" tai menemällä Support -palveluun ja kirjautumalla omilla tunnuksilla.
Kun kilpailun erät ovat luotu, on ne synkronoitava erikseen Live -palveluun. Tämä onnistuu J2Chronon pääikkunasta valitsemalla ylävalikosta "Live->Synkronoi erät liveen". Tämän jälkeen tulokset menevät itsestään palveluun kilpailun edetessä.
==After the race==
[[File:Reporting.png|200px|thumb|Screenshot of reporting the results of the program]]
Tulokset voi lisätä Live -palveluun myös jälkikäteen. Tämä onnistuun painamalla halutun erän päällä hiiren toista painiketta ja valitsemalla "Synkronoi tulokset liveen".
===Making final results===
Final results can be created with Reporting window. From the top menu of the Reporting window you find appropriate screens to process and print the results, lap times, and other necessary data of the race.
Jos Live -palveluun pääsee virheellisiä tuloksia, voi ne putsata painamalla halutun erän päällä hiiren toista painiketta ja valitsemalla "Synkronoi tulokset liveen".
Results can be printed or transferred to spreadsheet program for further processing. Results can also be saved in HTML format for publishing at the Internet.
===Liven käyttö aikojen siirtoon===
==Timing Stations==
[[File:Live_asema.png|200px|thumb|Kuvakaappaus liven asetuksista ChronoFly ohjelmassa.]]
Livepalvelua on mahdollista käyttää myös aikojen siirtoon ajanottoasemien ja tuloslaskennan välillä. Tällöin J2Chrono ohjelman asetuksista on otettava käyttöön aikojen lataus livepalvelun kautta. Asetuksissa on tähän oma ruksiboksi -asetus. Aseta ruksi tähän asetukseen ja käynnistä J2Chrono uudelleen.
See [[ChronoFly Käyttöohje]] (in Finnish)
Lisäksi asemaohjelmiin (ChronoFly) on asetettava aikojen lähetys livepalveluun. Tämä onnistuu ohjelman asetuksista asettamalla tcp/ip protokollaksi "chronocloud" ja asettamalla liven salasana.
Data transfer between stations: [[Asemat ja tuloslaskenta]] (in Finnish)
Palveluun lähetetyt ajat tulevat J2Chrono ohjelmaan vain kertaalleen; kerran ladatut ajat eivät tule uudestaan. Jos ajat on tarvittava uudestaan, voi ne ladata Support -palvelusta kirjautumalla omilla tunnuksilla.
===Readers and decoders===
Read reader equipment manufacturer's own user manual to figure out how they work.
==Kilpailun jälkeen==
General troubleshooting of the reader: [[Reader_debug|Reader debug]]
[[File:Reporting.png|200px|thumb|Kuvakaappaus tulosten raportoinnista J2Chrono ohjelmassa.]]
===Lopputulosten tekeminen===
General information about auxiliary equipment see: [[Sirit_Motorola_IO|Digital IO]] (in Finnish)
Lopputulokset saadaan luotua J2Chrono ohjelmiston Raportointi -ikkunasta. Raportointi-ikkunan ylävalikosta kohdasta Ajanottoikkunat on saatavilla tarvittavat näytöt kilpailun tulosten, kierrosaikojen ja muiden tarvittavien asioiden käsittelyyn ja tulostamiseen.
Tulosten paperille tulostaminen tapahtuu ikkunakohtaisesta Tulosta -painikkeesta. Tulokset voidaan tulostamisen sijaan siirtää myös taulukkolaskentaohjelmaan jatkokäsittelyä varten. Tulokset voidaan tallentaa myös HTML -muodossa nettisivuille julkaisua varten.
Asemaohjelman kaytöstä: [[ChronoFly Käyttöohje]] (suomeksi)
Tiedonsiirrosta ohjelmien välillä: [[Asemat ja tuloslaskenta]] (suomeksi)
For tag programming see: [[Programming a tag for J2Chrono timekeeping purposes]]
For network security see: [[Firewall requirements]]
===Lukijat ja dekooderit===
Lukijalaitteiden valmistajan omat käyttöohjeet toimitetaan pyynnöstä.
Katso lisää lukijan vianetsinnästä: [[Reader_debug|Reader debug]] (englanniksi)
For labeling see: [[Labeling requirements]]
Katso lisää lukijan lisälaitteiden kytkennöistä: [[Sirit_Motorola_IO|Digital IO]] (suomeksi)
There is WebSocket support in ChronoFly: [[ChronoFly_WebSocket|ChronoFly WebSocket]]

Latest revision as of 16:44, 13 April 2020

Result service in general

Using an automated timekeeping application and equipment is only a small part of providing successful event result service experience to your event's participants and spectators at event site as well as to chair viewers at home.

Here is a check list of different important steps you should take care of and acquire more information when planning an event with automated result service system:

  1. Educating officials and supporting staff how to organize things before the event
  2. Figuring out the best way of acquiring and handling event and participant related information before the actual event
  3. Servicing, storing, and carrying result service equipment from one place to another
  4. Constructing the event site with result service equipment
  5. Using your result service equipment and application
  6. Dealing with different ways of providing real-time result data during and after the event

This material provides information to above steps 5. and 6. Also all other steps must be taken care of.

Installing J2Chrono software to your computer

Screenshot of support.enymind.fi service. Click Download to load the installation media to your hard drive.

To download software go to http://support.enymind.fi and log in. Username and password will be provided with the license order confirmation email.


Download Windows installation media file (.exe) from support.enymind.fi

If you don't know how to install new software to Windows check:

Ubuntu GNU/Linux

Download Debian installation media file (.deb) from support.enymind.fi

If you don't know how to install new software to Ubuntu check:

Launching J2Chrono software

Screenshot of starting screen. After loading all components software starts.

After the installation, the installation program has created icons for programs on your computer desktop. Start the software on your computer by clicking the shortcut on the desktop.

During the first start program, it may take longer, up to 60 seconds. The program creates a necessary first start-up settings, and databases on the hard disk of the computer.

Operating system time

If the time of the operating system is automatically synchronization via the Internet, you should synchronize it manually as soon as the machine is started before starting J2Chrono program.

Another option is to disable automatic synchronization. An accurate time of the day does not matter if you use just one computer to make the results.

If you have two or more computers those all must use exactly same time.

During the first launch

Screenshot of succesful registration.

After the software have been launched for the first time you will have to do some configuration before usage.

Initially, each software must be registered in order to be able to communicate with each other and other network services in the future. The credentials are same as those used at the download page.

You can access registration from top menu of each software.

Please note that during the registration:

  • Computer's time and date must be correct and in time
  • Name of the registered instance must have an unique name, like "computer 1"
  • During the registration the computer must be connected to the Internet


Before making the results the first time you need to create the following:

  • At least one point scheme
    • Point schemes can be created using top menu: Competitions -> Point Schemes
    • The formula is <number><space><number><space><number> and so on.
    • Example: 25 22 20 18 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
  • At least one competition type
    • Competition types can be created using top menu: Competitions -> Competition types
    • Enter a name, result scheme, point scheme, and clock type.
    • Use result scheme according to type of competition; if only one timeline use "Track" and for multiple timelines use "Route"
    • Use clock type according to type of competition; when mass start use "Timer" and any other type of start or when multiple timelines use "Realtime"
  • At least one class
    • Classes can be created using top menu: Competitors -> Classes


ChronoFly program will not be used in track type sports where there is only one timeline. In track type sports you can operate everything and create results using only J2Chrono.

Route type sports you need start-finish pairs and other type of timelines which are managed with ChronoFly program. ChronoFly sends individual times to J2Chrono where they are processed further to create results.

First event results

Timing of the first competition a challenging situation. We recommend not to leave the studying of J2chrono software to the last minute when it is time to create real results for real event.

Please do studying beforehand and arrange some pilot events first to get yourselves familiar with the software.


Photo of wireless network router.

Tuloslaskenta kooste.png

In track type sports you often do not have to worry about data communications because all timing functions are operated in one computer with exception of transmitting the results after the competition to the club website or other service that requires Internet access. For Internet access you need additional equipment, such as 3G dongle and subscription from your Internet operator.

In route type sports data communication must be taken into account the, eg. transferring times from one timeline to another. All of these timing functions are often located at different computers and times needs to be moved with ease from machine to machine.

If the computers are located in close proximity of each other (less than 200 meters radius) you can use local LAN solutions such as ethernet cabling or wireless local area network (WLAN). If the distance is longer it is necessary to transfer the data through public network (mobile Internet, 3G, etc ..). The use of public networks require additional equipment such as 3G dongle and a subscription from the Internet operator.

Creating fully working large scale WiFi network to the event site is a job of a specially skilled person.

Some advices from Microsoft when using Windows:

ChronoFly network settings. The address is the IP of computer operating J2Chrono software.

In Local Area Network computers are connected to each other using IP addresses. The important thing is to figure out IP address of a computer operating J2Chrono software which is why you should use only fixed addressing. Other programs (like ChronoFly) will send the times to this address for further processing. Computer's IP address can be set to other programs, such as ChronoFly, using application settings.

In case of Public networks please use either a VPN solution or a live sync function through which information can be transferred through the Internet safely between timekeeping stations (ChronoFly) and J2Chrono. In this case IP addresses does not really matter because mobile Internet rarely has public IP addresses.

Preparing the software

The programs must be set to act by way of you event.

For each event you must create a new competition as every race is different at least what comes to participants.

Create new race

After the initial settings have been made you can create a new race. Use top menu: Races -> Database

Enter needed information:

  • Race name
  • Competition Type
  • Live event (only in cases when it is desired to use the live service which is a separately ordered service)

One of the most crucial setting is "Bring competitors automatically". This where you select whether you want participants to be selected manually before the start of the race or bring participants automatically during the race.

Other options are not mandatory.

Rounds and timelines

Round settings.

After adding of the race program will create one round called "First round". The user must either delete or rename it according the event. Also one top-level item "Parent round" is created. The top level item can not be deleted.

You can add, edit, and delete an existing round by press the mouse 2nd button over the tree.

Track type sports

In track sports it is essential that each round is it's own race. Examples: Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Qualifying 1, Qualifying 2, Round 1, Round 2, etc.

The most relevant information is the name of the round and it's time. Time is not the duration of the round, but it is estimated start time of the round in race schedule. You can also select some settings which affect rankings like the maximum approved number of laps, and whether the first track would be a complete lap or not.

Route type sports

Rounds must include a whole structure of the race route. For example: ST 1 Start, ST 1 Finish, ST 2 Start, ST 2 Finish

Determining the sequence number of each time station (timeline) is important. Sequence number must be unique within the race. Example:

  • ST 1 Start -> 1
  • ST 1 Finish -> 2
  • ST 2 Start -> 3
  • ST 2 Finish -> 4

Also make sure that round type is set correctly. You can add and modify round types from top menu: Races -> Round types


Adding a competitor.

Add all the participants from top menu: Competitors -> Database

Competitors may be added either individually or import them pre-filled spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc) etc. Use .csv format when importing.

If necessary you can also add more classes from the top menu: Competitors -> Classes

Compulsory information of a competitor: first name, last name, class, number, transponder

Starting the race


  • All competitors are added. Each competitor has its own transponder number set.
  • The race has all necessary rounds / timelines with the correct settings.
  • Check the functionality of peripherals (printer, 3G dongle) of your computer. Internet connection should only be tested at the event site as the reliability of mobile Internet will vary a lot between different locations.

Just before the start of the race

Screenshot track type items. The selection is Round 1.
  • In Track sports check that the correct round is selected. The selected round is shown as bold text in relation to other rounds. If you gave the time according to the schedule of race rounds will also appear in order.
    • The selected item you can change the mouse by double-clicking. However, do not replace the item among the chronograph, but only between batches.
    • At the start of each round be sure to start the stopwatch.
  • In Route sports check that the data transmission works flawlessly between ChronoFly timekeeping stations and the J2Chrono.
  • If you have a reader or decoder check that it is turned on and that the program has noticed its existence and the connection is established.

During the race

When the first round has started and the stopwatch is also started you can move steps bellow.

Monitoring the race

The most crucial thing during the timekeeping is to monitor that everything works flawlessly. Each competitor must get a time in one way or the other when one passes timeline. The time can either be automatic from a reader/decoder or manually entered. Manually entered time accuracy is always worse when compared to automatic.

Always practice how you can add a manual time to time station (ChronoFly) software. Hint: F1 or Ctrl.

Reporting of results

Adding, editing and removing print layouts.

Reporting and printing the results can be done with Reporting window which can be opened from left menu of J2Chrono.

At every reporting window there is Print button which opens a new Print dialog box.

Live service

Screenshot of live settings at J2Chrono.

The purpose of Live service is to enable the publication of the results in real time while the race runs. Live service can also be used as publishing and archiving results at the end of the race. See the example of Live service at: http://chrono.live

In order to get the Live working the you need to set desired live address and password to J2Chrono. Live addresses are provided with the form of clubname.live.enymind.com with the domain part of .fi .com or .net

Adding a race

Races can be added to and removed from Live using http://support.enymind.fi

Results are synchronized automatically to Live service. Only rounds need to be added manually by selecting from J2Chrono's top menu: Live -> Add rounds to live

Also results can be added to Live afterwards by pressing the mouse 2nd on top of the desired round and selecting "Sync results to live".

Using live service for data transmission between stations

Screenshot of Live settings at ChronoFly.

It is possible to use Live to transfer data between timing stations and J2Chrono. In this case at J2Chrono settings you must enable "Fetch times from live server".

In addition ChronoFly must also be set to send times to Live service. Set TCP/IP protocol to "chronocloud", add live address, and live password.

Timing data is also backed up to Live server and can be downloaded from http://support.enymind.fi

After the race

Screenshot of reporting the results of the program

Making final results

Final results can be created with Reporting window. From the top menu of the Reporting window you find appropriate screens to process and print the results, lap times, and other necessary data of the race.

Results can be printed or transferred to spreadsheet program for further processing. Results can also be saved in HTML format for publishing at the Internet.

Timing Stations


See ChronoFly Käyttöohje (in Finnish)

Data transfer between stations: Asemat ja tuloslaskenta (in Finnish)


Readers and decoders

Read reader equipment manufacturer's own user manual to figure out how they work.

General troubleshooting of the reader: Reader debug

General information about auxiliary equipment see: Digital IO (in Finnish)

For tag programming see: Programming a tag for J2Chrono timekeeping purposes

For network security see: Firewall requirements

For labeling see: Labeling requirements


There is WebSocket support in ChronoFly: ChronoFly WebSocket