Revision as of 15:16, 9 January 2013 by Enymind (Talk | contribs) (siirsi sivun TagData uudelle nimelle Programming a tag for J2Chrono timekeeping purposes)

Programming a tag for J2Chrono timekeeping purposes

  • All data must be in base16 format (0-F) also called hexadecimal format
    • In base10 format (or decimal format) it would be 0-15

Tag data parts

Tag data consists 2 parts: prefix and postfix. Both of these are 4 bytes in length.

First part represents the competition identified and second part represents the competitor number.

  • For instance, competitor number 1 would be 0x0000001 and 73 would be 0x00000049
  • Same rule applies to competition identified, which must be in number format as well

Competition identifier can be 0 which tells the software not to separate tags per. competition.

Competitor number can NOT be 0 because it will also indicate a false tag being detected.

EPC Gen2 tag data

EPC Gen2 tags has tag-id data length of 12 bytes (or 96 bits)

So if you want to program a tag for competition 45 and competitor 182 it would go like this:

  • competition identified 45
    • 0x0000002D --> prefix
  • competitor number 182
    • 0x000000B6 --> postfix
  • EPC Gen2 tag-id: 0x0000002D 00000000 000000B6