Revision as of 19:49, 27 September 2016 by Enymind (Talk | contribs)

Rest API

Replace "" with your own personal live address.

Get all races

Content-type: application/json

Example response:

 ["52", "Test competition", "2013-04-15 09:00:00"],
 ["53", "Enduro race Summer 2015", "2014-03-14 10:00:00"],
 ["54", "Demo GNCC Race, Oct 10. 2014", "2014-10-10 12:00:00"]

Get all rounds from race

Where parameters:

  • cid: race id

Content-type: application/json

Example response:

 ["1051", "Lähtö 1"],
 ["1052", "Lähtö 2"],
 ["1055", "FEEDTEST Run 1"]

Get results from a round

Where parameters:

  • cid: race id
  • rid: round id

Content-type: application/json

Example response:

["FEEDTEST Run 1", "00:15:08", "Race!", "qualificationResults",
  ["11193", " ", "6", "Empty", "10", "00:00:22.253", "1"],
  ["11196", " ", "9", "Empty", "10", "00:00:22.591", "1"],
  ["11188", " ", "1", "Empty", "10", "00:00:23.300", "1"]