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var startTiming = function() {
  j2ws.send("tim: 1");

Revision as of 21:22, 16 January 2017

WebSocket support is enabling other applications to listen passing data in real time.

Usage example


var j2ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:2235");

j2ws.onmessage = function(e) {
  var event =": ")[0];
  var value =": ")[1];

  switch(event) {
    case "pas":
      console.log("Passing with transponder: " + value);
    case "ion":
      console.log("Digital input " + value + " ON");

var startTiming = function() {
  j2ws.send("tim: 1");


Uses TCP port: 2235

Action message format

action: value

Where action is one of supported actions and value is the input of the action.

Supported actions

Digital output ON

oon: 4

Where 4 is port number.

Digital output OFF

oof: 4

Where 4 is port number.

Timing START

tim: 1

Timing STOP

tim: 0

Event message format

event: value

Where event is one of supported actions and value is the output of the event.

Supported events


pas: 16

Where 16 is passing's transponder number.

Digital input ON

ion: 4

Where 4 is port number.

Digital input OFF

iof: 4

Where 4 is port number.

Start light ON

son: 1

Where 1 is light number.

Start light OFF

sof: 1

Where 1 is light number.