Revision as of 00:54, 31 December 2017 by Enymind (Talk | contribs)

ChronoCloud 2 protocol enables other applications to aquire real time timing data from ChronoFly.

Application is required to establish a WebSocket server where ChronoFly can send real time timing data.

WebSocket server example


var ws = require("nodejs-websocket");

var server = ws.createServer(function(conn) {
    var station;
    conn.on("text", function(msg) {
        var dataObject = JSON.parse(msg);
        station = dataObject.station;
        conn.sendText("bumb-" +;
        console.log(Date() + " got time " +;
    conn.on("close", function(code, reason) {
        console.log(Date() + " " + station + " not publishing anymore");


Uses WebSocket Draft_6455 and TCP port 8275.

Passing PDU

Sent whenever passing (transponder or manual) is registered on ChronoFly.

    "station": "ChronoFly-12345",
    "competition": "166656",
    "signature": "aW52YWxpZA==",
    "sent": "2007-11-20T22:19:17.531+02:00",
    "data": {
        "event": "passing",
        "id": "70",
        "type": "Route-TC-Finish",
        "round": "ET 4 TC 9 Huhdanoja A",
        "time": "2007-11-20T22:19:17.532+02:00",
        "tctime": "2007-11-20T22:19:00.000+02:00",
        "transponder": "7",
        "hits": "0",
        "lap": "5"


  • station: ChronoFly station identifier
  • competition: ChronoFly competition identifier
  • signature: Data signature based on keys negotiated during ChronoFly registration (base64 encoded SHA1withRSA)
  • sent: time this message was sent from ChronoFly (ISO 8601)
  • event: event type
  • id: event id (incremented by 1 and zeroed when round changed or tables cleared)
  • type: station type selected currently at ChronoFly
  • round: round name selected currently at ChronoFly
  • time: passing time (ISO 8601)
  • tctime: time check time (ISO 8601)
  • transponder: passing transponder number
  • hits: times same transponder has been seen during current passing event
  • lap: times same transponder has been seen during selected round (incremented by 1)

Confirmation rules

Whenever server receives a PDU it is required to confirm it back to the sender (ChronoFly).

Response format is: bumb-<>

Example confirmation response


If PDU is not confirmed back to sender (ChronoFly) it will be re-sent to server during next event cycle.

Supported station types

  • Route-Finish
  • Route-Start
  • Route-Pause
  • TC-Time
  • TC-Separate
  • TC-Pause
  • Route-TC-Finish
  • Route-TC-Start
  • Track-Finish
  • Track-Sector

Connection PDU

Sent whenever ChronoFly connects to the WebSocket server.

    "station": "ChronoFly-12345",
    "competition": "166656",
    "signature": "aW52YWxpZA==",
    "sent": "2007-11-20T22:19:17.531+02:00",
    "data": {
        "event": "connected",
        "id": "0",
        "version": "1.2.30"


  • station: ChronoFly station identifier
  • competition: ChronoFly competition identifier
  • signature: Data signature based on keys negotiated during ChronoFly registration (base64 encoded SHA1withRSA)
  • sent: time this message was sent from ChronoFly (ISO 8601)
  • event: event type
  • id: event id (incremented by 1 and zeroed when round changed or tables cleared)
  • version: ChronoFly version

Keepalive PDU

Sent every 30 seconds to the WebSocket server.

    "station": "ChronoFly-12345",
    "competition": "166656",
    "signature": "aW52YWxpZA==",
    "sent": "2007-11-20T22:19:17.531+02:00",
    "data": {
        "event": "keepalive",
        "id": "0"


  • station: ChronoFly station identifier
  • competition: ChronoFly competition identifier
  • signature: Data signature based on keys negotiated during ChronoFly registration (base64 encoded SHA1withRSA)
  • sent: time this message was sent from ChronoFly (ISO 8601)
  • event: event type
  • id: event id (incremented by 1 and zeroed when websocket tcp stream opened)

Confirmation rules

Whenever server receives a PDU it is required to confirm it back to the sender (ChronoFly).

Response format is: pong

Example confirmation response


If PDU is not confirmed back to sender (ChronoFly) it will be re-sent to server during next event cycle.

Malfunction PDU

Sent every 30 seconds to the WebSocket server.

    "station": "ChronoFly-12345",
    "competition": "166656",
    "signature": "aW52YWxpZA==",
    "sent": "2007-11-20T22:19:17.531+02:00",
    "data": {
        "event": "malfunction",
        "message": " Connection timeout at com.enymind.drivers.MercuryComm.connect()",
        "message2": "Unknown error",
        "type": "1"


  • station: ChronoFly station identifier
  • competition: ChronoFly competition identifier
  • signature: Data signature based on keys negotiated during ChronoFly registration (base64 encoded SHA1withRSA)
  • sent: time this message was sent from ChronoFly (ISO 8601)
  • event: event type
  • message: malfunction desctiption
  • message2: additional malfunction desctiption
  • type: malfunction type

PDU signature verification example



  // ######### INSERT VALUES HERE ############

  // Base64 encoded public key

  // Base64 encoded signature from PDU
  $SIGNATURE = 'BsChw6wRCFTGziTu3p3a';

  // JSON PDU as-is sent by ChronoFly
  // BUT replace signature value with value "aW52YWxpZA=="
  $PDU = '{"station": "chronofly-2248717", "sent": "2017-12-30T21:16:36.295+02:00", "signature": "aW52YWxpZA=="}';

  // ######### DO NOT EDIT BELLOW ############

  set_include_path( get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'phpseclib' );

  include_once( 'Crypt/RSA.php' );

  $rsa = new Crypt_RSA();
  $rsa->loadKey( $LOCAL_PUBLIC );
  $rsa->setSignatureMode( CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1 );

  if( $rsa->verify( $PDU, base64_decode( $SIGNATURE ) ) )
    die("OK verify\n");
    die("ERR verify\n");



Note! Do NOT use openssl rsa or openssl rsautl for playing with signatures as these friends does not obey PKCS#1-v1.5 standard (not encoding the hash in an ASN.1 sequence). For playing with public keys you CAN still use these friends.


############ INSERT VALUES HERE ############

# Base64 encoded public key

# Base64 encoded signature from PDU

# JSON PDU as-is sent by ChronoFly
# BUT replace signature value with value "aW52YWxpZA=="
PDU='{"station": "chronofly-2248717", "sent": "2017-12-30T21:16:36.295+02:00", "signature": "aW52YWxpZA=="}'

############ DO NOT EDIT BELLOW ############

printf "$LOCAL_PUBLIC" | base64 -d > chrono.der
openssl rsa -inform der -outform pem -pubin -in chrono.der -out chrono.pem
printf "$SIGNATURE" | base64 -d > chrono.sig
printf "$PDU" > chrono.json

printf "////// HEXDUMP chrono.der ->\n"; xxd chrono.der
printf "////// HEXDUMP chrono.pem ->\n"; xxd chrono.pem
printf "////// HEXDUMP chrono.json ->\n"; xxd chrono.json
printf "////// HEXDUMP chrono.sig ->\n"; xxd chrono.sig

printf "////// LOCAL_PUBLIC ASN1 ->\n"; openssl asn1parse -in chrono.pem
printf "////// LOCAL_PUBLIC ASN1 IDX 18 ->\n"; openssl asn1parse -in chrono.pem -strparse 18
printf "////// LOCAL_PUBLIC KEY ->\n"; openssl rsa -pubin -inform PEM -text -noout -in chrono.pem

printf "////// VERIFICATION RESULT ->\n"; openssl sha1 -verify chrono.pem -signature chrono.sig chrono.json

rm chrono.der
rm chrono.pem
rm chrono.json
rm chrono.sig